simulates a collection of networks involving common functional groups of entities. The networks may be directed, undirected or bipartite. The emission distribution of the edges may be Bernoulli, Poisson, Gaussian, Zero-Inflated Gaussian, or Laplace. See the vignette for more information about the model.
rMBM( v_NQ, E, typeInter, v_distrib, list_pi, list_theta, namesFG = NULL, keepClassif = FALSE, seed = NULL )
v_NQ | : number of individual in each Functional Group (FG) |
E | : define the architecture of the Multipartite. |
typeInter | : type of interaction in each network: undirected adjacency (adj), directed adjacency (diradj) or incidence (inc). (vector of size equal to nrow(E) ) |
v_distrib | : vector of the distributions: 'bernoulli', 'poisson', 'gaussian', 'ZIgaussian' (for Zero inflated gaussian) or 'laplace' ( vector of size equal to nrow(E) ) |
list_pi | : parameters of the blocks distribution |
list_theta | : parameters of the interactions distribution. For Bernoulli a probability, for Poisson positive real number, for Gaussian a list specifying mean and var (plus p0 for ZIgaussian), for Laplace a list with location and scale |
namesFG | : names of the FG. (default value = NULL, then the functional groups are labelled FG1, FG2, etc) |
keepClassif | : equal to TRUE if you want to keep the simulated blocks/classification (default value = FALSE). |
seed | : set the seed for the random simulation (default value = NULL) |
A list of lists containing the networks (list_net) and if keepClassif = TRUE the classifications (classif) Each element of list_net corresponds to a network : each network is a list containing the matrix (mat) , the type of network(diradj, adj, inc), the functional group in row (rowFG) and the functional group in columns (colFG)
namesFG <- c('A','B','C') list_pi = list(c(0.16 ,0.40 ,0.44),c(0.3,0.7),c(0.5,0.5)) E <- rbind(c(1,2),c(2,3),c(1,1)) typeInter <- c( "inc","inc", "adj") v_distrib <- c('ZIgaussian','bernoulli','poisson') list_theta <- list() list_theta[[1]] <- list() list_theta[[1]]$mean <- matrix(c(6.1, 8.9, 6.6, 9.8, 2.6, 1.0), 3, 2) list_theta[[1]]$var <- matrix(c(1.6, 1.6, 1.8, 1.7 ,2.3, 1.5),3, 2) list_theta[[1]]$p0 <- matrix(c(0.4, 0.1, 0.6, 0.5 , 0.2, 0),3, 2) list_theta[[2]] <- matrix(c(0.7,1.0, 0.4, 0.6),2, 2) m3 <- matrix(c(2.5, 2.6 ,2.2 ,2.2, 2.7 ,3.0 ,3.6, 3.5, 3.3),3,3 ) list_theta[[3]] <- (m3 + t(m3))/2 dataSim <- rMBM(v_NQ = c(100,50,40) , E = E , typeInter = typeInter, v_distrib = v_distrib, list_pi = list_pi, list_theta = list_theta, namesFG) list_net <- dataSim$list_Net classifTrue <- dataSim$classif